CE marked medical device product
This collage is about the knowledge needed to get a CE marked medical device on the EU market. Emphasis is on the Quality Management
System (QMS) and Summary Technical Documentation (STED).
The search engine is using the following websites.
- ec.europa.eu/growth/sectors/medical-devices
- www.iso.org
Entering "medical device" in the search box gives a lot of information about medical devices, regulations and standards.
The purpose of the
"Collage of Knowledge" is to present a subset of this information in an overview that can be reviewed on
a regular basis e.g. change on regulations or standards or EU guidance. The subset of information is related to the process and QMS
of the company (or organization in general) that manufactures the CE marked medical product.
Process analysis
When a company manufactures a product intended for the EU market, the following have to be considered:
- the government has regulations related to medical devices
- because the product is meant for the EU market, EU regulations have to be followed
- to get a CE certificate, a Notified Body needs to be involved who will audit the company
regarding it's Quality Management System and STED (Summary Technical Documentation)
- communication with (potential) customers is needed e.g. via a website, for post market surveillance, complaint handling
and to make information regarding the product available (e.g. CE certificate, manuals, etc.)
The following website gives an overview of the steps to be taken to be able to trade the product on the EU market:
Knowledge conversion
In the step Knowledge Identification, it is decided to put the focus on Summary TEchnical Documentation and
Quality Management System for Medical Devices.
- Research & Development is responsible for the Quality Management System and controls the STED (Summary Technical Documentation)
- The product development process is a cyclic process (each phase can be revisited depending on circumstances, e.g. change in requirements)
- Service & Support and Marketing & Sales will take care of certain phases after final phase of the product development process
- documents for the STED will be created by Research & Development, Service & Support, Marketing & Sales
- A Notified Body will do a Conformity Assessment, it will audit the company that manufactures the medical device, it's QMS and the STED
See also: What the Notified Bodies do: Conformity Assessment
Socialization: from tacit to tacit knowledge conversion
To get a good understanding of the Conformity Assessment by a Notified Body the R&D Manager
will have several meetings with a consultant specialized in that field of expertise (e.g.
another company that is also a Notified Body). The R&D Manager can discuss with the consultant
the QMS and STED of the company regarding the medical device.
Externalization: from tacit to explicit knowledge conversion
Based on the information and understanding about the Conformity Assessment during the Socialization step,
the R&D Manager can adapt the product development lifecycle process where needed.
The product life cycle process will be presented and explained:
- Research & Development
explain the purpose of the STED, which documents must be created and at which phase in the product development process
- Service & Support
explain the purpose of Installation & Servicing and Complaint Handling
- Marketing & Sales
explain the purpose of Product Documentation and Post Market Surveillance
Combination: from explicit to explicit knowledge conversion
During the product lifecycle (which is a continuous cycle) the product will be developed, changes will be made and product versions will be released.
The following knowledge will be used:
- Specific knowledge will be used depending on the product to be developed
- Standards and regulations applicable for the product
- ISO 13485
- ISO 9001
Internalization: explicit to tacit knowledge conversion
When the product has been developed, R&D will make their knowledge about the product available for Service & Support and Marketing & Sales via:
- demonstrations
- presentations
- meetings with product lead developers/engineers
- documents in STED
with the aim to help Service & Support with:
- preparations for Installation & Servicing the product at the customer site
- preparations for Complaint Handling
with the aim to help Marketing & Sales with:
- providing any extra information or support they need in the marketing & sales of the product (e.g. at exhibitions)
- creating Product Documentation specifically for the customer (e.g. User Manual)
- Post Market Surveillance (what are the experiences of the customers with the product)
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