This collage is about the knowledge needed to get a CE marked medical device on the EU market. Emphasis is on the Quality Management System (QMS) and Summary Technical Documentation (STED). In this case the medical device is a software product, it is a diagnostic medical viewer for radiology, manufactured in The Netherlands for the EU market.
The search engine is using the following websites, and are websites about regulations and standards in The Netherlands.
When a company manufactures a product intended for the EU market, the following have to be considered:
Based on the process analysis about getting a CE marked product on the EU market, knowledge about STED and Quality Management System get the focus. The following websites have important information:
ISO 13485, Medical devices – Quality management systems – Requirements for regulatory purposes, is an internationally agreed standard that sets out the requirements for a quality management system specific to the medical devices industry.
It is designed to be used by organizations throughout the life cycle of a medical device, from initial conception to production and post-production, including final decommission and disposal. It also covers aspects such as storage, distribution, installation and servicing, and the provision of associated services.
Externalization: from tacit to explicit knowledge conversion
Based on the information and understanding about the Conformity Assessment during the Socialization step,
the R&D Manager can adapt the product development lifecycle process where needed.
The product life cycle process will be presented and explained:
Combination: from explicit to explicit knowledge conversion
During the product lifecycle (which is a continuous cycle) the product will be developed, changes will be made and product versions will be released.
The following knowledge will be used:
Internalization: explicit to tacit knowledge conversion
When the product has been developed, R&D will make their knowledge about the product available for Service & Support and Marketing & Sales via:
The medical viewer is a software product and can be installed on a workstation or can be accessed via the cloud. A product lead software engineer will work together with a lead service engineer to install the medical viewer software in different deployment infrastructures. Service & Support will create an Installation Manual for the medical viewer software product.
End users at the customer site can encounter bugs and/or have change requests for the medical viewer software product. Via a special website users can enter problems and/or changes. On a regular basis a service representative will react on these issues with support of a lead software engineer.
A lead software engineer will support Marketing & Sales with information they need to create a user manual for the medical viewer software product.
The Marketing & Sales manager, Service & support manager and Research & Development will discuss the results of the Post Market Surveillance. Meeting notes will be made and when needed decisions will be taken and everything will be put in a document that will become a part of the STED.
Prior to Product release
In this phase the following will be done:
Product release
In this phase the following will be put on a special part of the company website: